Apply to be a Vendor

How to apply:

  1. 2025 Application

  2. Read the Vendor Application Instructions & Checklist.

  3. Contact the Market Managers for the markets you wish to attend.

  4. Send the VENDOR APPLICATION (page 3, 4 and any applicable pg. 5 or 6) and your check for $50. to MCFARM P.O. Box 2176 Fort Bragg, CA 95437. Do not send original application/membership check to market manager.

  5. Send or give a set of all paperwork to the market manager of each market you will be attending- this includes a copy of application page three, embossed CPC, copy of MCFARM membership card and any other permits, licenses, and certifications. Retain a set for posting in your stall at market.

  6. Review MCFARM Rules & Regulations.

  7. Sign up for the MCFARM e-mail newsletter below.

Becoming a MCFARM Member

When you submit your application to the Mendocino County Farmers' Market Association (MCFARM), you become a member of our association and are eligible to vend at any of the Certified Farmers' Markets in Mendocino County that include your type of product and that have room for additional vendors.

All of the markets are managed independently, so you will need to contact the Market Managers to discuss participation at each market.